About Us
Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Keralam (VFPCK) is a company registered under section 25 of Indian Companies Act 1956 and has been established to bring about overall development of fruit and vegetable sector in Kerala. Established in 2001 as the successor organization of Kerala Horticulture Development Programme (KHDP), VFPCK is managed by a result oriented multidisciplinary team of professionals. Needless to say, KHDP, funded by European Union, was one of the most successful agricultural development projects ever undertaken in the country. KHDP could effectively introduce several agricultural developmental policies and redress long-standing problems that plagued the agricultural sector. The Self Help Groups (SHGs) conceptualised by the Council form the base units for all the interventions like Extension, Rural Credit, Group Marketing, Participatory Technology Development (PTD), Value Additions and Exports.
VFPCK is a company with majority stake of farmers and the Government and financial institutions as the other major shareholders. Self Help Groups of farmers constitutes 50% of shares, Government of Kerala has 30% and other related institutions hold 20% of VFPCK’s shares.