Tissue Culture Plants
A modern laboratory capable of producing upto 50000 Tissue Culture Plantlets per month has begun its commercial operations in the year 2009. Explant initiation, multiplication and rooting stages in culturing are carried out in the laboratory.
Virus infected suckers have been the biggest enemy of Banana Farmers for decades. Virus indexed tissue culture plantlets are VFPCK’s remedy to this long standing problem. Shoot buds are developed from suckers collected from disease free High Yielding varieties of Banana. The plantlets are then shifted to the hardening chamber for acclimatization and development. Primary and secondary hardening operations take a total of 90 days duration. The hardened plants are then ready for sale. Most popular varieties suitable to the state like Nendran, Robusta, Red Banana, Grandnaine variety etc., are propagated. Tissue culture plants are available at our Krishi Business Kendras.